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ELAN - Extraordinary Living by Advanced Neurology

What is ELAN Healing?

ELAN Healing is a unique system that utilizes your breath, focus, movement, and presence in the body integrated by light touch on the skin overlying the spine.

Along with gentle verbal encouragement, we start to build a platform for transformation from the inside out.

ELAN stands for “Extraordinary Living – Advanced Neurology”

· Extraordinary Living – it means living a life that takes you beyond the ordinary, everyday existence

· Advanced Neurology – developing a nervous system that has a greater sense of clarity and responsiveness to life

Retraining the Nervous System through Integral Neurology, Evolutionary Personal Care and Vital Life Coaching have profound effects on dropping the tension and stress patterns that have been secretly running your life and body.

ELAN Healing System consists of:

· Integral Neurology – a dynamic art that develops the brain, restructures the tension patterns and physiology of the body and creates clarity in the nervous system to invite in new possibilities

· Vital Life Coaching – verbal encouragement and organic conversations to help you develop a deeper understanding of your experience on your personal healing journey.

· Evolutionary Personal Care (EPC) – ECP is the system of choice for your self-care. EPC is easy to learn, simple and highly effective breathwork for your healing.

Integral Neurology

A dynamic art that develops the brain, restructures the tension patterns and physiology of the body and creates clarity in the nervous system to invite in new possibilities – with greater life effectiveness. The word “integrity” speaks to the human qualities of how we view healing – integrity and integration.

· Integrity – quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness. This could be your physical body, your emotions, your actions, or your mind set.

· Integration – Form or unite into a whole. This is your ability to include a new strategy/ skill into how you live your daily life.

In ELAN, we speak to your Innate Intelligence and Body Wisdom when it comes to your health and healing. This is that internal guidance and inner knowing of what is best for your personal journey of discovery. Integral neurology turns that volume way up on this. Neurologically we can get connected to this body wisdom. In turn we find deeper, more meaningful answers and insights to our everyday experience. As someone is more connected, you begin to see, feel, listen with more clarity and make healthier, congruent action in life. These healthier choices are what makes for an extraordinary life.

Vital Life Coaching

Verbal encouragement and organic conversations to help you develop a deeper understanding of your experience on your personal healing journey.

In healing there is a delicate balance of how much verbal conversation that is necessary to the unfolding process. Yes, there are moments to dive into and discussion to be had, but we walk a fine line. I am not here to tell you what to do, only you know that next step. Though having a conversation can be critical in helping a person understand how to integrate a new system/ skill in their life.

Healing is a person’s inner journey of discovery however leaving a mystery can create slow movement or no movement at all. That can be discouraging. This coaching approach allows a person to safely lean into their growth edges and discern the value of the lesson that they are uncovering.

Evolutionary Personal Care- EPC

ECP is the system of choice for your self-care. EPC is easy to learn, simple and highly effective breathwork for your healing. Evolutionary Personal Care (EPC) is utilized within the Integral Neurology process and is taught to each client for self-care. The exercises are easy to learn and when

applied can instantaneously change your experience of life. A person then has the skills to shift their state of consciousness, perhaps from Disconnected & Searching to Connected in Ease.

Having the tools to shift your state of consciousness gives you a very real advantage in life. The life advantages learned through EPC help you embody the life you would love to have, gracefully and efficiently.

Simple new skills can truly transform your life offering you a greater sense of freedom to choose a different path.


If you are looking to have a silky smooth, empowered ride in life, you want to be in care with a practitioner with experience in all areas of health (Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Money, Family, Career, Social & Emotional). An ELAN Healing Practitioner has the training and the skills to awaken and enliven the vitality inside – is gentle and will expect your best.

ELAN Healing is based on high end medical and neurological science. The science of light touch, gentle conversations and conscious breathwork is all designed to enhance cognitive abilities and to re-train the nervous system to greater ease, clarity and action. It really comes down to permission and safety from the inside out and we humans develop best when we are nurtured and safe.

ELAN Healing Systems is to help find people at the many crossroads of life and assist them in moving forward to the other side.

Typical crossroads look like:

· Your life is GREAT, you feel really GOOD, and you are READY to take yourself to the next level – whatever that may look like to you.

· Your body might HURT, and you don’t know why. You just want to feel BETTER.

· STRESS levels are running high. You may have ANXIETY or DEPRESSION that is holding you back. You are READY for a shift from overwhelm to more EASE.

· You may have a long-term difficulty. You have TRIED every avenue that you can think of, EXHAUSTED your resources, and NOTHING has worked for you to resolve that "thing".

We have learned to focus on problems and that we must work hard to fix them.

Yet, do problems really end?

Is it possible to shift your focus to something else and get better results for life?

People are wanting to be cared for. They are ready for more health, vitality and integrated changes. There is a yearning to recognize their potential.

The time is now to make that change.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Book your Free Consultation

Melissa Moon, ELAN Healing Facilitator | 530-488-0000

Credit to: HealingAnew for ideas verbiage on page


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