What is Reiki? This versatile spiritual healing practice can be given to anyone, anywhere, whether hands-on in person, or distantly. Regardless of the issues you face, Reiki can help you to meet those issues with more clarity and greater peace of mind. Reiki treatments have been reported to be help people cope with a wide range of health conditions including:
Cancer, and side effects from cancer treatment, including nausea and fatigue
Chronic Pain
Digestive issues including Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome
Fertility issues
Grieving, especially in death and dying issues
Heart Disease
Immune disorders
Major life transitions
Neurodegenerative disorders
Rehab after illness, injury, or surgery
Releasing addiction
Stress relief
The most commonly reported benefits of Reiki treatment and Reiki self-practice are relaxation, pain management, reduced anxiety, and reduced depression. However, an expanded sense of self-awareness, better communication and satisfaction in relationships, increased intuition, and a general experience of enhanced well-being and happiness has also been reported. The lack of standards in practice and education has created a lot of confusion and misinformation about the practice of Reiki. Search the internet or read any books or articles on 'Reiki' (pronounced ray‑kee) and you may find definitions ranging from a 'hands‑on healing technique' to 'spiritual energy work' to an 'ancient Tibetan or ancient Egyptian practice.' Or you may be lead to believe that a Reiki practitioner 'transfers energy' into a recipient and/or has been 'given' the ability to 'heal' others. Seems pretty mystical and magical, doesn't it? Unfortunately, it's also pretty misleading. So what IS Reiki?
The truth is, the practice of Reiki is an individual experience and therefore it cannot be definitively explained or defined, however it can be described. Simply put, Reiki can be described a non-religious, individual spiritual practice of stillness and quietude, like yoga or meditation, created by a Japanese man named Mikao Usui in 1922 (see photo at right).

Mikao Usui
Founder of Usui Reiki Ryoho
Reiki practice promotes balance throughout the system, setting in motion a self-healing process on many levels. This non-invasive practice helps to ease discomfort both in mind and body without the need to manipulate muscle tissue, physical structure, or with the use of any supplement or medication.
Reiki is an adjunctive, complementary (not alternative) practice that is generally applied through non-manipulative touch, however non-touch (above the body) can also be effective if needed or desired by the recipient. For both the practitioner and the recipient, a Reiki session is more of an offering and does not involve any 'doing' or intervention. A Reiki session is 'offered' by the practitioner and is accepted or rejected by the recipient. Reiki is a recipient responsive, not practitioner directed, innately holistic (whole person) practice that initiates a balanced state in which self-healing on many levels can begin. Since belief is not a requirement for Reiki to be effective, any religious or belief system-based ideology cannot be conferred on to it. (About Reiki | Traditional Japanese Reiki)
Reiki is such a beautiful healing practice that I am so grateful to share with others.
Please reach out to book a session at info@mlmoonstudio.com. Leave your name, number and best time to call.